Welcome to An Inspiring Home! We're so glad to have you on board.

Please answer the questions as best as you can so we can customize your space for you and your family. You may skip any questions that do not apply to your project, however, the more you tell us, the better we get to know you. Thanks!

Get Started
What is your address & phone number
What made you decide to contact us?
There is no wrong answer. We're just genuinely curious!

What is your style?
(select all that apply)

This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.

What should the mood of the space be?
(select all that apply)

This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.
This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.

Are any of your existing furniture pieces staying?

What new products would you like to add to the space?

What are your favorite stores for furniture & decor?
Please note we do not source furniture from Amazon, Overstock, Wayfair or similar

This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.

Share inspiration images or links that reflect your style

Drag & drop images here or select files from your computer.

Inspiration links (ex: Pinterest)

What are your color preferences?

This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.

Do you have any specific colors you'd like to see in the space?

Who do you share your space with?
(select all that apply)

This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.
What are your family's interests and hobbies?
What does your family like to do in the evenings & on weekends?
What will each room’s primary function be and how many people would you like to be able to accommodate in the room(s) at one time?
(Include activities that require special equipment such as a TV, etc.)
Does anyone in your household have any special needs that we should take into consideration when designing the room?
What is your preference is terms of metals?
gold, silver, black, etc., shiny vs. matte
Which of the following patterns do you like?
Do you have any personal preference or opinion on drapes or window treatments?
Thinking of your project, what is most lacking currently?
Light, furniture, functionality, WOW factor etc. ?
Do you like to entertain and how often?
Where in your home do you entertain?
How many guests would you like to accommodate in your dining space?
What type of bed linens do you prefer?
Ex: Layered, light weight, heavy, white, colors, quilt vs. duvet
Do you have overnight guests?
Are there any allergies we should be aware of?
foods, household items (down)
Other likes/dislikes we should be aware of?
Tell us anything else you think would be helpful. The more you tell us, the better we understand you! We want our design to be a perfect fit for you!
Include any final notes or other details that may not have been addressed in the questions above...
Favorite flowers or scents
Sweet or Savory?
Favorite restaurants
Favorite season
spring, summer, fall, winter