Where are you located in Manhattan?
My service area is Manhattan. Please contact me to discuss traveling to your location outside of Manhattan.
This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.
Which space(s) do you need help organizing?
This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.
What has been your biggest challenge keeping that space(s) organized?
This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.

Share inspiration images or links that reflect your style of a well organized space.

This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.
Drag & drop images here or select files from your computer.

Inspiration links (ex: Pinterest)

Who do you share your space with?
(select all that apply)

Please share photos of the areas to organize.
This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.
Drag & drop images here or select files from your computer.
Will you need new organizing containers or do you think you have enough already we can repurpose?
This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.
Any final notes for your organizer to consider?
Include any final notes or other details that may not have been addressed in the questions above...
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