Welcome to Your Project! Thank you for choosing Laurel Alexander Interiors!

We are delighted to be able to serve you on your project! The Design Questionnaire is an important first step and every question here is critical in ensuring we create an optimal and awesome design for you.

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Which space can we help you design?
For Multiple Spaces, select Other and list the areas

We can't design a space if we don't know which room! Please choose one.

Why are you redesigning your space?
(select all that apply)

How finished is your space?
For Total Renovations, Select "Starting from scratch"

How soon are you looking to complete your project?

What is your budget for design services?
Understanding your desired budget range helps us to ensure good and proper stewardship of your budget.

This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.
Please specify proper budget values

What is your style?
(select all that apply)

What new products would you like to add to your new spaces?
List each room/space where you will be adding new products, and which products you will want. (EX: Living room - sofa)
This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.
What is your budget for product purchases?
Please list the budget amounts for each room/space indicated in your previous answers.
This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.

What should the mood of the space be?
(select all that apply)

What are your favorite stores for furniture & decor?

Share inspiration images or links that reflect your style

Drag & drop images here or select files from your computer.

Inspiration links (ex: Pinterest)

What are your color preferences?
If you have multiple preferences, you can use the field below to list and describe your preferences.

Do you have any specific colors you'd like to see in the space? Please also list your current paint colors in your home here, if you know them.

Who do you share your space with?
(select all that apply)

Any final notes for your designer to consider?
Include any final notes or other details that may not have been addressed in the questions above. Be as expansive and thorough as you'd like!
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