Which spaces are included in your project?

We can't design a space if we don't know which room! Please choose one.
Project Address
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Ideal Project Start Date

Ideal Project Completion Date

Type of Project
(select all that apply)

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Services Desired
Select all that Apply
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Style You're Looking to Accomplish
Select All That Apply
Where do you typically shop for furnishings?
Estimated renovation/construction budget?
Estimated furnishings/decor budget?
Are you looking for a design-only plan, full service, or a combination of both?
A design only plan would mean that we create the design plan to you and you then hire your own contractors, purchase items, and implement the design yourself. Full-service would mean that we handle your project from concept, to ordering, to installation.
What would you like to accomplish by working together on your project?
Anything else I should know about your project?

Share inspiration images or links that reflect your style
You can link a Pinterest board or upload photos. Please send these before our consultation (you can also email them if you don't have them currently).

Drag & drop images here or select files from your computer.

Inspiration links (ex: Pinterest)

How did you hear about Megan Paterson Interiors?
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