We are excited to meet you and discover how we might collaborate with you on your design project.

This discovery questionnaire will help us learn a bit about you and should only take you 5 to 10 minutes.

Let's Get Started
What is your name?
This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.
What is your phone number?
We usually like mobile numbers to also send you texts.
This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.
What is the address of the project site?
This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.
Which space can we help you with?
Select all spaces that apply to your project
How did you hear about us?
This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.
When would you like to start your project?
This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.

How soon are you looking to complete your project?

What type of service do you think you'll need?

Why are you redesigning your space?
(select all that apply)

Share inspiration images or links that reflect your style
This can be a Pinterest Board or photos on your phone

Drag & drop images here or select files from your computer.

Inspiration links (ex: Pinterest)

Who do you share your space with?
(select all that apply)

Has anyone been already hired for your project?
When was the last time you worked with a designer and who?
What is your "all-in" project investment?
When we say "all-in" we are talking about design fees, labor & construction, products & fees, and materials.

What is your style?
(select all that apply)

Any final notes for us to consider?
Include any final notes or other details that may not have been addressed in the questions above...