
Thank you for your interest in WareHouse Design. Please take a few minutes to fill out this short questionnaire to give us an understanding of your project. Someone from our team will be contacting you within 2 business days.

Let's Get Started!

Which space can we help you design?
If multiple rooms, please choose "Other" and list all rooms.

We can't design a space if we don't know which room! Please choose one.
This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.

Are any of your existing furniture pieces staying?

What new products would you like to add to the space?

What is your style?
(select all that apply)

This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.

What should the mood of the space be?
(select all that apply)

This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.

What are your favorite stores for furniture & decor?

This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.

Share inspiration images or links that reflect your style

This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.
Drag & drop images here or select files from your computer.

Inspiration links (ex: Pinterest)

What are your color preferences?

This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.

Do you have any specific colors you WOULD or WOULD NOT like to see in the space?

What would you like to invest in this project?
A two hour consultation is $325. Our full project clients typically invest $10,000 or more for a complete one-room makeover, including all-new furniture. Renovation budgets vary widely based on project scope, but if you're unsure where to start, we’re here to guide you with a tailored investment plan.

This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.
Please specify proper budget values
First and Last Name of the project's decision makers
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Address (street, city, state, and zip code)
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Phone number(s) (include area code)
This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.
Email Address(es)
This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.
How did you hear about WareHouse Design? Referral, Website, Facebook, Instagram?
If you were referred, please let us know who so we can send a thank you!
This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.
How would you describe your desired design style?
This question is required. Please make a selection to continue.
Any final notes for your designer to consider?
Include any final notes or other details that may not have been addressed in the questions above...