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I love DesignFiles and their team is great with communication, DesignFiles saves me easily 3 to 4 hours a room. It's that good! Will highly recommend them to my other designer friends. DesignFiles is worth every penny

Shinay K.
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Guides & eBooks

Building a Successful E-Design Business
How strong is the foundation of your e-design business? This guide covers all the essentials in detail: pricing, marketing, affiliate links, productivity, and more.
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Guide to Facebook Marketing
Take advantage of every opportunity that Facebook marketing offers—personal profiles, business pages, and groups. Learn how to get quality leads from all three sources.
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Interior Design Websites That Sell
A great website works as a 24/7 sales person that can pre-sell your services before clients even chat with you. Try our templates and pro tips to get more hot leads.
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Maximizing Revenue with Affiliate Links
Don't leave money on the table. Learn how to use affiliate links to earn commission revenue on every item your client purchases.
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Guide to Networking & Referrals
Want quality leads? Collaborate with designers, contractors, furniture store owners, and other professionals. Grab our guide and email outreach templates.
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Guide to Public Relations
Wishing the oft-featured designer was you? Get our guide to PR with a step-by-step process for finding press contacts plus templates for media outreach.
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Guide to Capturing & Nurturing Leads
Not every potential client is ready to work with you. Use a lead magnet to capture their interest and stay top of mind. Grab our guide and nurture sequence template.
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Pricing Profitable E-Design Packages
Are your packages priced for maximum profit? Learn the anatomy of a profitable package and discover your path forward for earning more from every project.
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Guide to Instagram
Do you want more leads and press opportunities from Instagram? Get trialed-and-errored advice from pro designers with successful Instagram presences.
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Guide to Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
When you rank in Google search, you get ready-to-buy clients looking for your services. With this guide to SEO, learn how to drive search traffic, no ads required.
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